Friday, June 10, 2011

Nevada, Lake Meade and the Hoover Dam

I am so amazed at how much desert there really is out here! We traveled back through Barstow, CA, up Int 15 and into Nevada. I know I keep posting photos that probably look the same to you, but the terrain just amazed me so much. So many mountains and desert as far as your eye could see.
And it began to get hotter. While we were in San Diego, I don't believe the temperature got above 70 degrees. It really felt nice. And we didn't really realize how warm it was getting while we were in Redlands, although we knew it was warmer than on the coast. But as we were traveling up the interstate and glanced down to see that the exterior temperature gauge was reading 99 degrees, we were shocked! And it kept climbing.
We entered Nevada around 5 PM. We knew that we wanted to go straight to the Hoover Dam before heading back into Las Vegas. So that's the direction we took. It was so cool to turn the corner and see some blue water after having driven through the desert for the last few hours. Lake Meade was so pretty!

The Hoover Dam was amazing. We got there just after 6 PM, which happened to be after the Visitors Center closed. But that's ok, because we hadn't planned on going in there. We just wanted to go and see it for ourselves. We drove over to the Arizona side to park and then walked back across the Dam. Just like the Grand Canyon, photos cannot do it justice. There just really isn't a way to capture the enormity of it all.

I'm not sure what these winged statues are really. But the ritual is to rub their toes to bring you good luck in Vegas. Since we were not going to Vegas to gamble, really, the only good luck we needed was for finding a decent-priced hotel. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous!! Brad got to make a trip out west similar to ya'lls and his favorite thing was the Hoover Dam. I can't wait to go myself. Telah, I am ordering a camera like yours! :)))
